Posted by ahmad zainuddin
» Thursday, September 28, 2017
Writing is the visual representation of language through the use of an established selection of markings. As a means of communicating ideas and storing information, so writing has allowed for the development and maintenance of large and complex societies, the formalization of both academic and practical learning, and t he ability to exchange information on a global level. It is, perhaps, foremost among the many others fundamental social and technological advancements that have shaped our world. Writing developed independently in three different regions of the world: the Middle East, China, and Mesoamerica. Through a natural evolution of language, culture, script, and necessity, these early traditions became the foundation for the modern written word.

Like a lot of the professional journalists they work with started out writing for student papers and journals, and there is no doubt that the experience and skills folk get in those positions are a big help when looking for graduate positions. The point is, writing benefits massively to remembering important information for that exam you have, or furthering your understanding in a field you wish to specialize in. The more writing you do, the more information you will retain. You will notice a difference both in displaying knowledge and writing style when comparing your latest written piece to your first one.
As well as for the students English which is academically learning writing also very significant on the curriculum based on competence, “English subject in senior high school has a purpose to help students have the ability to develop communicative competence in oral and written form and to get the functional literary stage”. 13 So, students of senior high school should be able to communicate in oral or written form. As competency to write that students should have.