According to Dwye and Fus, public speaking teachers have investigated the ways to help students to overcome the fear or anxiety in communication or it is called as communication apprehension. Several teaching strategies to help students experiencing trait of communication apprehension have been developed by examining factors as grades, self-esteem and self-efficacy. It shows that grades and self-efficacy can trait communication apprehension in students themselves. Thus, by knowing both, teacher can choose the fix strategy that may improve their public speaking skill and it can reduce their anxiety by giving specific instructional strategy.
As Bandura stated that self-efficacy in education is related with perceiving self-efficacy in academic. Perceived self-efficacy in academic is about someone’s judgement on their capability to organize and execute courses of action to achieve designated types of educational performance. On educational development, perceived self-efficacy is about how efficacy affect student’s motivation to learn, to effort in execute task and student’s achievement. Thus, it can be concluded that perceived self-efficacy is about someone’ belief in execute subjects to gain their educational performance and it also affect on their learning motivation, effort and their education’s achievement.
Level of Public Speaking Skills
As Bandura stated that perceived self-efficacy cannot fit to all skills. It might be differene one to each other since one skill might have different successful criteria, but the scale on perceived self-efficacy is the same one to other. By the statement, it means that successfull criteria in perceiving self-efficacy depends on skill that investigated by the reseacher. This study is focused on speech, so it has its successful criteria that might be different with other skills, but the scale in perceiving self- efficacy is the same to identify high, moderate and low.
According to Sellnow, there are four primary components to an effective speech: content, structure, delivery, and the effective use of presentational aids. Content consists of the main topic of a speech, the main points used to support the main topic, and the evidence used to clarify, explain, or support the main points. For example, a student may choose to deliver his or her speech on “the benefits of exercise,” and discuss both the physical and mental health benefits of exercise. He or she might support those main points with research that suggests that exercise decreases body weight and one’s risk for diseases.
Even though speech content is important, but it also must be in well structured, in order to it becomes an effective speech.

Although speech content is important, content must also be structured well in order to have an effective speech. Sellnow explains that structure is “the framework that organizes the content”. Clear structure includes both microstructure and macrostructure. Macrostructure is the general framework for the content of a speech, including the introduction, body, conclusion, and transitions. In the previous example, a student should introduce the topic and preview his or her main points, the physical and mental benefits of exercise. He or she should make it clear when transitioning between the two main points. For example, the student might say, “although exercise has many physical health benefits, there are also many mental health benefits associated with exercise.” Moreover, microstructure includes the language and style choices one makes to convey ideas in a speech.
Sellnow pointed out that language and style choices should be “clear, inclusive, and vivid”. For example, when delivering a speech on the benefits of exercise, a student should be clear when explaining the details of how exercise physically affects the human body. In addition, the student should use inclusive language and might say something like, “we all want to be free of disease and exercise is one way that we can achieve this.” Speech delivery refers to how a message is presented. In order to deliver an effective speech, both voice and body are important. One should not only try to be intelligible, conversational, and expressive with his or her voice but also to make eye contact with the audience, to use spontaneous gestures and expressions, and to maintain poise. For example, a student discussing the benefits of exercise should emphasize the emotional implications of not exercising, including the likelihood of acquiring harmful diseases. Also, the student should maintain eye contact with the audience at least 90% of the time and ensure that the audience can understand what he or she is saying by speaking loudly and clearly.
Finally, a student should design, incorporate, and explain presentational aids effectively. This involves designing presentational aids that are clear, visible, and visually appealing. When speakers incorporate presentational aids, they should conceal their aids both before and after displaying them so that they are not distracting to the audience when they are not being used. Finally, speakers should explicitly refer to and explain their presentational aids to their audiences and not assume the meaning of the presentational aid is automatically understood by their audience.
To identify someone’s self-efficacy, each subject has different aspect with other subject, but identifying response scale of self-efficacy is same for all subjects.
In the standard methodology for measuring self-efficacy beliefs, individuals are presented with different levels and strength. There are three levels in self- efficacy scale. It is started by 0 scale to 100 scale. 0 -point scale shows that someone cannot do at all. Then, after 0 point to 30-point scale shows that someone is in low level since they just can execute few aspects. Then, 31 point to 69 is categorized moderate level since someone moderately can do some aspects in the subject. The third level is high level. It is started 70 point to 100 point since someone can do most aspect in subject, but 100 point scale is the highest scale since someone highly certain can do all aspects in a subject.